Win prizes and have a bit of Halloween fun with the Centauria Halloween Combat Quest! Up until 4th Nov.
Anyone may take part – you don’t have to be a member of any group or a resident of the Centauria Community Sims.
- At the landing point at Centauria collect your free Quest HUD and weapons from one of the dispensers.
- Attach either weapon and attach the quest HUD. You can either a dagger or a shotgun as your weapon.
- On the Glenstorm, Cloudbirth and Roonwit areas of Centauria there are creature spawners. You’ll need to walk close to them to trigger an attack. Each one has a different distance that you’ll need to get with range of…some are closer, some are further away.
- When you trigger an attack, a number of rats, bats or snakes will attack you! There might be only one….or there might be more! They might be smaller or easier to kill….or they might be bigger or harder to kill!
- Go into mouse-look and click the creature to attack it with your weapon.
- If you kill it – click the dead creature and it will offer you something for your HUD. Accept it on your HUD if you want to keep it. These can be exchanged for prizes.
- If the creature kills you – you will LOSE everything you collected in your HUD!!!
- If you are killed you will need to click your weapon to regenerate (you will not be able to move until you do).
- When you’ve collected items in your HUD you can go find the prize cauldrons on the Great Hall area of Centauria. There are 10 cauldrons, each looking for a different item in order to exchange it for a prize. For example, one might be looking for a bat wing…another might be looking for a snake eye, etc.
- Get close to the cauldron, click the item in your HUD and select button that sys “Use Item” on your HUD. Your prize will be delivered to you 🙂
Each cauldron prize giver has a selection of prizes inside that will be picked randomly for you. Some of the prizes are duplicated in the cauldrons….some…more special prizes you’ll only find in one or other of the cauldrons…